Archive | September, 2022

A 250 Piece Puzzle

20 Sep

Our family has always enjoyed putting together jigsaw puzzles; we have dragged them out for Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as simple get-togethers for no particular reason.

While we are visiting our daughter and granddaughter, we pulled out a small (14 x 10) puzzle, which we figured the three of us could work in about 15 minutes.


The puzzle is cut from wood, and all the pieces are different. There are no corner pieces, so you have to look for triangular ones that mesh. There are lots of bits with flat edges, but they might go in the center someplace as easily as on the outside. The picture is of Omni Grove Park, a golf course near Ashville.

It was small, but it was mighty, and it took the four of us over two hours!

Lost in Translation

18 Sep

We looked for an Episcopal church this morning and found one that listed itself as Anglican. Wow! I grabbed my trusty, dusty 1928 Book of Common Prayer and shuffled off.


They met in a school, which didn’t bother me, but they used a BCP that was very, very similar to the 1979 book, and Rite II to boot. They didn’t have a proper hymnal but used a thin looseleaf sort of thing, with maybe 100 songs. There were some “real” hymns, but they included some that I would consider more suitable for a Pentecostal church. Something by Amy Grant, for instance, and a version of A Mighty Fortress that I remember from an Assembly of God service.

At coffee hour – the Other Sacrament – I asked a woman what differentiated their church from the Episcopal Church, and she told me they thought the EC was getting too liberal in what they accepted. “They just took parts of the Bible and said they didn’t believe that anymore.” I didn’t ask if she was talking about homosexuality but figured that was one sticking point. I’ve had that particular discussion with folks at St. A’s, to no avail. Well, they won’t let me run it, so it’s their loss.