Archive | December, 2022

Come on-a My House

23 Dec

Eldest Daughter came up from Charleston on a flying visit to exchange Christmas gifts, so we decided to meet at the local Waffle House. I don’t know where they recruit their short order cooks, but the fellow who was flipping eggs the other day was a HUNK.

Narrow hips, broad shoulders, and he certainly didn’t get those biceps pouring pancake batter! Oh, my.

He can come cook in my kitchen any time his little heart desires. Even The Squire could understand the appeal, while The Kid and I drooled all over the tabletop.

GOP Jesus

20 Dec

A friend of mine posted this link, and it is soooo true!


Just a Little Tug

20 Dec

When I loaded the dishwasher last night, I noticed a little bit of white cloth sticking out by the side of the tub. Thinking it was a bit of paper towel or some such, I pulled on it.

And it kept coming.

OK. The tea towels are the drawer next to the dishwasher, so I hauled on it a bit more. And a bit more. I discovered that what I was dragging out was the insulation around the machine. Between a long, thin screwdriver and an X-acto knife, we got most of it back in place.

Too much pull, and not enough push.

Double Trouble

18 Dec

I have been pretty much working full time since around the first of August, and it has worn me down to a nub.

My agency sent me off to work for an insurance company that provides malpractice insurance for physicians and other professionals while their regular receptionist was on sick leave. That job was to continue until late September, but the gal announced she was coming back on September 12th, so we were able to go on vacation without feeling guilty. I had a couple of a-week-here-and-a-week-there jobs, but right before Halloween I was sent to another company for the month of November.

I’m still there, and there’s no end in sight, which is probably how I came down with Strep, and a side order of Covid for dessert. I felt so miserable at work on Tuesday that I swung into the JHU Doc-in-a-Box on the way home from work. That was the last time I swallowed anything until Friday morning, when I made myself some tapioca and ate it warm. My GP was about to send me to the ER for IV fluids. That seems to have broken the spell, and I’ve been eating normally since.

Back to work tomorrow morning. My voice is still scratchy, so I may not be able to go back on the phone, but I do have a week’s worth of filing to keep me busy, plus signs to make up. Maybe I’ll still test positive at supper time, and can stay home another few days!