Welcome to my World

The man I call The Squire, the Light of My Life, or my Knight in Shining Armor, and I live in a wide place in the road known as beautiful downtown Bradshaw. We bought this house when we got married and have never lived anyplace else.  We call the house The Rice Paddy because our last name is Rice, and the place is a swamp. We have three daughters, all of whom have names that begin with T, and a frequently changing number of dogs and cats.

My interests run to cooking, sewing, and miniatures. I am also very much “into” American history and sometimes go to local schools to talk about what it was like to live in the 1700s. The Squire and I are both involved in tracing our family trees. He has gotten his family back as far as the 900s in England and Wales. He’s back to the “ap” names in Wales. My Mum’s family is German and it’s a struggle to get past the 1800s, thanks to two World Wars. My dad’s folks are mostly from England, and I’m as far as the mid-1600s. I could apply for membership in the DAR, if it weren’t for the fact that my ancestors were fighting for the wrong side!

I can be reached privately at Ricepaddy2(at)comcast(dot)net



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